Fingerprinting Information
The process for getting fingerprinted so that you can volunteer to help with instrumental music is as follows:
Contact Wyn Schuh to let her know you want to become a fingerprinted volunteer. It appears that I don't need to email the district but I would like to know who is getting fingerprinted.
Fill out a Volunteer form and read and sign the Child Abuse Reporting Requirement document and sign it. This form is attached to this webpage or can be obtained at the District office. Be sure and indicate that you will be volunteering for instrumental music.
Let Lisa Contreras at the district office know when you will be bringing in the form (650.940.4671). This is to make sure that there will be someone there to accept your application. Then go to the MVLA District Office between the hours of 8:00 – 4:00 M-F. You will need your driver’s license for identification and your social security number. If you have proof of having taken a TB test in the past 4 years, bring it in too. The person at the front desk can help you or ask for Lisa Contreras.
1299 Bryant Ave
Mountain View, CA 94040
(View Google Map)
Phone: 940-4650
When you turn in your forms, Lisa Contraras will give volunteers that have not been tested (TB) an authorization to have this done at US Healthworks in Sunnyvale and the district will cover this until further notice. The district is asking that volunteers provide/ bring with them proof of TB test results, only if they had this done within the past 4 year.
Make an appointment to be fingerprinted. Their regular hours for fingerprinting appointments are Monday - Friday 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm.
MVLA Adult School
333 Moffett Blvd
Mountain View, CA 94043
(View Google Map)
Phone: 940-1333 -
After you have been fingerprinted, you will be notified when your fingerprints are cleared so that you can begin volunteering.
This process takes a little time so please start as soon as possible. It could take 1-2 days to get an appointment to be fingerprinted and anywhere from 1 day to 2 weeks for the fingerprints to be processed.
The fingerprints are only used to validate your volunteer information and are not kept on file anywhere. Also, you do not need to be fingerprinted again if you volunteer next year, too.