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about the impa (Music Boosters)

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Instrumental Music Parents Association Board Music Boosters is seeking help to lead as President and Vice President for the 2024-2025 School Year

  • Join us in making a positive impact on students' musical experiences.

  • Share your board member experience with a friend by becoming board co-chairs. 

  • Shadow our current board members and be a part of a dedicated team whose leadership can make a real difference! 

The Instrumental Music Parents Association Music Boosters (also known as the IMPA) supports all Instrumental Music programs and directors at MVHS through fundraising and volunteer assistance. The IMPA primarily funds outside clinicians with specific knowledge/expertise who instruct students in orchestra, color guard, concert band, marching band, and percussion. The IMPA also provides funding for the online presence including Smugmug and the website, and special needs of the program. All parents of instrumental music students are automatically members of the Association and are encouraged to participate in the IMPA and attend its meetings.


The IMPA Music Boosters generally meet during the school year on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., with some exceptions. All parents of students in any of the instrumental music programs are welcome to attend. Please see the calendar to confirm the meeting dates.​

Alumni Communications

If you would like to continue to receive periodical updates for performances, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities and other community events, please subscribe to our MVHS Instrumental Music Alumni Group on Parentsquare. 


All of the legal information about the organization.

2023-2024 IMPA Music Boosters Board

These are the officers and Executive Board members of the MVHS Instrumental Music Parents Association (Music Boosters) for the School Year 2023-2024. 


President                                Melissa Jankowski

Vice President                                  Cynthia Chu

Secretary                                  Allison Devenney

Treasurer                                       Yanrong Wang

Financial Secretary                             Pam Bayer

Auditor                                            Lisa Isaacson

Job Descriptions


The President is the chief administrative officer of IMPA, and supervises the business of the association. He/she presides at all meetings of the Steering Committee and the general membership. 

Vice President of Operations

The VP shall assume all responsibilities of the President in his/her absence, and shall perform all other duties as may delegated by the President. The VP of Operations shall oversee and coordinate activities of the various committees of the Steering Committee.



The Secretary records the minutes of all meetings of the Steering Committee and the general membership.



The Treasurer is responsible for the official finances of the association, and keeps permanent books of account and records to show the gross income, receipts, and disbursements of the association. He/she receives all monies for the association and deposits them into the IMPA bank account, pays all bills, reports to the membership on expenditures versus budget, and presents a statement of account at IMPA meetings. He/she files all tax reurns and financial forms, helps develop the annual budget and makes an annual financial report to the association. 


Financial Secretary

The Financial Secretary is responsible for receiving all payments and logging them and making sure they are deposited into the bank. These include funds from Checks, Square, PayPal and matching organizations.

The Financial Secretary works closely with the Treasurer to cover any additional financials tasks, as needed.



The Auditor annually audits the books and financial records of the association, and submits a written report by the September meeting. He/she audits the books upon the end-of-term or resignation of the Treasurer, and at any time deemed necessary.

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