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Volunteers and job descriptions 2023-2024

Marching Band Contacts and Leads

Marching Band Lead

Color Guard Lead

Food Chairs

Food Chair (shadowing)

Trucks & Logistics

Trucks & Logistics (shadowing)


Uniforms (shadowing)

Water bottles

Pit Lead

Pit Lead (shadowing)

Spirit wear


Props Leads

Photos & Video


Interested in Volunteering?

Job Descriptions

Committee chairs and volunteers working behind-the-scenes support the students and the Music Directors and enable the high performing music program to exist. The IMPA provides many opportunities to volunteer. See the sign-up sheet  for where you can fit in.


Some roles include:


Event Chairs:  The IMPA sponsors several events which offer unique performance opportunities to our music students, while raising money for the music program. Each event has a chair managing it, along with a committee of volunteers helping to make it happen. 

Fundraising:  The Direct Appeal Campaign Chair and volunteers encourage all instrumental music parents to donate to the Fall Direct Appeal campaign. These donations fund the IMPA, which pays for clinicians and outside instructional staff as well as other needs of the instrumental music program. 

Hospitality: We treat our parent volunteers to coffee and some sweets at the events. The hospitality "host" will set up the hospitality table and provide an area for parents to place chairs and chat. If you like to host parties, here is your chance to host your new marching band parent friends-and you don't even have to clean your house!


Hospitality, Coffee and Sweet Treats:  Bring the coffee and cups/additional supplies, sweet treats to share with the parent volunteers at the competition. (These are for the PARENTS, not the students.  Please sign up on the Food Donations page to bring food for students)


Marching Band Volunteers:  Our competitive marching band show requires Chairs and volunteers in many roles including Food, Uniforms, Prop Construction, Trucks, Pit Logistics, Water, and Band Camp carpools.

Navigator: Provide support for truck driver with navigation as well as help with parking/backing up.

New Parent Liaison:  This volunteer works with the parents of incoming instrumental music students. He/she recruits them to join the IMPA, encourages parent participation in the IMPA and the music program, connects them to volunteer opportunities, and helps to answer questions. He/she takes the lead on outreach programs such as Spartan for a Day.


Photos/video: Sign up to be a part of the photography/video team for the next event!

Pit:  You get to push the pit equipment onto the field for the performance.  It's a lot of fun AND you get a front row seat!  (Full disclosure, it's only a front row seat when the marching band is facing backwards because the pit is in the BACK this year!)


SpiritWear Coordinator:  This parent volunteer manages the "spiritwear" sales on behalf of the Music Council. He/she orders the show t-shirts, the various hats/chairs/sweatshirts and imprinted wear, music-related souvenirs, etc. and manages the inventory and sales.

Truck Driver:  Drive truck to and from the event.  You do not need a special license. This is a critical role, as there will be no performance without drivers.  Let me know if you want to connect with our experienced trucks lead, Gordon Elder for advice. 

Uniforms: No experience necessary!  Expert uniform leads will tell you what to do to assist our students with changing into (and out of) their uniforms. You get to add words like "butt capess", "plumes" and "Shakos" to your vocabulary!


Water Bottles:  It's like a carnival game-squirt the water into the mouth of the thirsty marching band member! 

Volunteer Coordinator:  The instrumental music program engages many volunteers across all the programs. The Volunteer Coordinator manages the sign-up sheet, and helps connect volunteers and opportunities.

Winter Percussion Lead Parent:  During the winter percussion performance season, this parent manages the volunteer sign-ups, answers questions, and assures carpool drivers are registered with the school district.


Winter Auxiliary Lead Parent:  During the winter auxiliary performance season, this parent manages the volunteer sign-ups, answers questions, and assures carpool drivers are registered with the school district

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