Uniform fitting
Band Students
Fitting will be during practice Saturday, Aug. 27
You will be released from practice to be fitted with the rest of your section. There will be signs to help you find your way to all the fitting stations. Please be patient and flexible and remember to show your appreciation to all the volunteers who are there supporting you.
Try on your travel shirt and marching shoes at home. Saturday is your chance to try on and order new ones in a larger size.
A black tight-fitting, moisture-wicking, performance T-shirt (short sleeves and no collar) available in many brands such as Under Armour, Hanes, CoolMax. Always wear this shirt under your uniform. Wear the type of shirt to your fitting appointment that you plan to wear under your uniform.
Dark-color boxers, tight-fitting cycling-type shorts or compression shorts. Private changing facilities are not available at fitting, so you should always wear non-revealing shorts or boxers under your uniform and be fitted for your uniform while you are wearing them. Dark compression or bike shorts (without a chamois) work well; jean or cargo-type shorts are too bulky and don’t work. This is for all marchers of every gender identity.
Black, crew-length, medium weight dress socks (all cotton are best). You will be fitted for your marching shoes, so wear socks like the ones you will march in to make sure your shoes fit comfortably. You will wear this type of sock with your uniform all season, so buy them now.
Tank tops or camisoles (sweat will damage and permanently stain the uniforms)
Lightweight dress socks
Low-cut socks
Bulky shorts
Marching band shoes, if you marched in the past.
You'll need them for your uniform fitting, so make sure they fit. This is your chance to get a bigger pair, if you need them.
Parents, alumni, band friends--all are welcome!
8 a.m. setup in Packard Hall
2 p.m. projected completion
A brief Zoom meeting will be held in advance. Details will be emailed to those who sign up.
2022-2023 Uniform Team
Hera, Karen, Rachel and Yanrong